After changing to another internet provider. there's this one site I usually visit regularly that I can't visit anymore.
It let me get to the site for less than 5 minutes once though, so this means I'm not blocked by the site, but never again.
It's a regular secure forum-based site, currently not down and works perfectly.
What do you think is the problem here? my IP? something related to my internet connection or provider?
How can I fix it?
I have contacted my internet provider and the technical service section there said that nothing is wrong there and that they can access the site just fine...They said it must have something to do with my router (but I used router with previous i-net provider and can accessed the site just fine x__x )
If the router is the problem is there a way, so I can access that site again?
Please help?
My OS is Windows XP
My Browser is Firefox, but even when using IE, my PDA (using wireless router), or other PCs, I still can't access that site.
Router blocked website? HELP!!?lyric opera
try using a proxy server... u can try
Router blocked website? HELP!!?imax theater opera theater
This could be caused from where your ISP's server is geographically located, your former ISP server could of been closer to you or the target ISP.
Further away = higher ping = longer load time.
Sorry but there is no "quick fix" for this
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