Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Mac users worst nightmare?

There are people out there who use Macs, including me. We Mac users all like to think that we have the most secure OS, more than Windows. We think that it's invincible. Nobody bothers to create viruses for OSX, probably because it's small potatoes compared to the marketshare for Windows. Or maybe it's just that unpopular.

But one day, that could all end. Right now, rumors are surfacing about a team of the world's top hackers, who are working on this underground project to create a widespread malicious virus for OS X. Not just one, but many. They have a motive. To crack the theory that OS X is invincible to security threats, and to get access to people's bank accounts, and many other unsecured things on users Macs.

One day, the Mac user will open up an internet browser. Start surfing and notice this unusual pop-up. Then another one, and another one, and the system just crashes. In some cases, explode. All over the world.

Could this day come? What do mac users think?

A Mac users worst nightmare?regal theater

Could this day come?

I can write a virus for os x , that would take over the entire machine send out e-mails with copies of the virus, make your screen blink on and off, even make it whistle dixie.

BUT, the OS X architecture prevents it from being spread via any means except directly running the virus by the user, and then having the 'victim' entering the administrator password.

Only the stupidest people would fall for it! This differs from Windows viruses that can be disguised as screen savers or images or just about anything else.

OS X shares with other UNIX systems the ability for a user to be protected from willy-nilly installed software. But nothing will protect the stupidest users Windows or OS X from agreeing to install pleasant sounding or pretty looking programs that contain viruses.

A windows system with additional anti-virus , anti-spyware, anti-trojan software could be secure.... but I've seen stupid user say OK to install something they thought was OK!

So... back to the question.... It could come, but would spread to the foolish and down right stupid users.

A Mac users worst nightmare?performing art center opera theaterI'm sorry I didn't vote. I forgot. Really. I'm not sure now who I would have voted, but I don't think this is real fair. Report It

Yes, it could happen. It's unlikely because of the way OSX treats user accounts, i.e. you have to enter your user name and password to escalate privileges to install software or change system files. Like all operating systems and software, it's impossible to create a 100% secure system. There are some viruses out there for Macs, but not in the form of self-propogating worms. (Which you're talking about)They're trojans that require user execution before they can cause harm. If OSX usage reaches a critical point where the market share reaches a respectable number, we will probably see an increase in virus activity on the Mac platform. Especially now that they run on x86 Intel processors.
Actually, I can create an installer that will grab root, create a new user account, and load anything I please on the computer, without the user ever knowing it is anything but whatever crap game they thought they downloaded.
mac's arent invisible and there is virus for mac BUT we dont get them bec the hacker dont bother with us because its too hard and windows is a eariser target.
Well Steve Jobs never said that MAC OS was "invincible", he just said that most virus are targeted to Windows since Microsoft have most of the shares (unfortunately). I bought an intivirus for my Mac even thu my friends have told me not to so I suggest you do the same.
There is not a computer operating system or program,security system,mobile phone,cd copy protection system etc that cannot be bought undone through the use of very intelligent people and you guessed it-computers!

Mac's operating system is inherently more secure than Windows but it is not impenetrable and the day will come when Mac's fall foul to the thousands of hackers out there.

It will happen:as sure as death and taxes.

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