Friday, December 4, 2009

How do I acess my server from another computer?

I have an apache server installed that currently runs on port 80. If my ip address is typed into a browser it will show the files in that server. But how do I edit the contents of it from another computer? like lets say I want to add a file. I am hosting a website so it has to be secure. Please help.

How do I acess my server from another computer?opera house

Try VNC viewer.. its free also.

How do I acess my server from another computer?dream theater opera theater

If you are running this on linux, you can do ssh (secure shell) to log into the machine remotely, change files, scp (Secure copy) to upload files etc.

If you are coming from another linux machine with KDE, you can even open the computer over ssh as a network drive, and have full control of the contents of your computer. (The protocol in KDE to do this is the fish protocol fish://IPADDRESS/ (It will ask you for your username/password, again, it's all encrypted.)

You can also set up an FTP server to be able to log in and upload files remotely, or even open and edit the files that are there directly.

If you are using windows, look for an FTP program, set the ftp user's home directory to be the same as the web site's home directory and you can then download/upload files to the web site.

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