Friday, December 4, 2009

How to identify unique internet-connected PCs?

I work for an Internet Research %26amp; Security firm that needs to be able to identify unique Internet users as accurately as possible. Most companies typically use cookies and IP addresses to track unique users, but these are easily changed or removed by fraudsters or savvy users. I need to be able to identify a unique PC without requiring the user to download any additional software (such as activeX controls), using only the typical softwares most users have. (browsers, flash, java etc).

For example, if I connect to a secure web page (such as a bank site), the bank site should be able to tell if I have ever connected to the site before. This helps in identifying repeat users, and reducing fraud.

Mac addresses don't work without installing something on the user's PC. IPs are not very accurate since a lot of people use work/univeristy/public IP networks. Cookies are routinely removed by users every few days.

What else can I use?

How to identify unique internet-connected PCs?comedy club

Ask the FBI what they are using now that was so effective in the big bust they did about two weeks ago.

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