Friday, December 4, 2009

Software Engineering?

Automated Internet Reservations (AIR) System

FlyAway Plc is seeking to provide their customers with the flexibility to book their travel requirements via the World Wide Web (WWW) using an internet browser (for example, Microsoft Explorer or Netscape Communicator). Since FlyAway Plc operates a large fleet of aircraft for medium to long-haul scheduled flights, it is important that the customer is notified of the availability of an airline seat to their particular destination, as soon as possible, while they are on-line. To achieve this, AIR must integrate the JETS (“Joint Engineering and Task System”) database which details the operational status of each aircraft, and also the CABS (“Carrier Aircraft Booking System”) database which is the ticketing and seat reservation database. Both of these databases are centrally held in the head office in London.

The user should be able to specify the date, destination of travel, preferred choice of departure airport, and preferred seat location – all within a web page. This information is subsequently to be used to check seat availability on the CABS database and also to verify flight data from the JETS database.

After submitting their flight requirements, AIR should present the user with availability details about their flight : “available on date”, “unavailable on date”, “economy class ticket”, “business class ticket”, “departure airport”, “destination airport”, etc, etc. Credit card payments for seat bookings using the CASH (“Currency Automation and Secure Handling”) system are also to be incorporated into the design of the internet-based ticketing system. The latter module is a pre-written package, which FlyAway Plc commissioned prior to the start of the AIR Project.

AIR will, from time to time, provide the company with a detailed reports of customer profiles of how many users have accessed the website and what travel requirements they have chosen (e.g. economy or business class, connecting flight information).

FlyAway Plc has stipulated that such a system must be operational within 12 months, and should be revenue-producing within 18 months of this tender to contract.

Software Engineering?soap opera

Are you seriously asking us to solve YOUR college assignment?! In its entirety?!

Here's what you do: try thinking of solving this by hand without the use of a computer. And then split the problem into smaller ones, which you DO know how to code.

Software Engineering?city opera opera theaterwell...don't comment if you don't want to answer!! that's simple.. Report It

yea that's cool! don't answer if you can't give good answer...wahahaha! Report It

In fact, Iam doing something in the same field, but its much more advanced than this.

I cant answer you that here, because if I start going into it, it will take days of typing.
I think we should use an existing model or prototype model that already has similar characteristics with AIR. Im not sure if it does exist yet but should someone knows any further, please email ok.


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