Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can a hacker hijack a PC?

Alright, so, every laptop and desktop in our house is connected via a wireless connection, and my dad setup the connection and secured it by using the MAC filtering, changing the SSID, and all of the other steps needed to secure a network. Now, my question to you all is this: can a hacker hack into our network and hijack a PC, such as using the internet browser, playing media files, etc. I doubt they can, but I just want to make sure. Thanks in advance!

Can a hacker hijack a PC?concerts

Let me make myself clear. A wireless network can NEVER be made completely secure. Even the government cannot ensure that a hacker will not get into their networks. However, you can make it reasonably secure by doing what you are doing. Be sure to use either WEP or WPA encryption and hide the SSID and change it, and everything else. The fact is, someone could sit out in front of your house or nearby and hack in a matter of several hours. But do not worry. Make sure there are no cars or vans out front trying to hack in. This only happens in the movies though! The comforting fact is that the amount of security you are using will make it so a hacker will not bother to spend the time to hack yours when he can drive a little more and use the hundreds of thousands of unecrypted unrestricted wireless networks in the US. But you asked a hacker "can hack into your computer and the answer is YES absolutely. Ask any security or IT professional in the world and they will agree. But who is going to go through all the work to do that to defeat all the firewalls and encryption that you have set up. But do not doubt that it can be done. There are some very good articles about this on the internet. WEP and WPA encryption have many security flaws as well, but those are likely your only options and that's fine.

Can a hacker hijack a PC?headache opera theater


deffinatly, no problem.
They can. i have seen it happen, if so just turn your computers off or unplug the internet i dought it will happen tho, your network is very secure.
it shouldnt if you installed the encryption, you can check what computers has been logged on in the somewhere there
Yes a hacker can. You need some type of firewall AND you need to secure evey computer connected on your network and always set up network passwords on every computer. Also get some good virus protection to make sure you don't catch any viruses from hackers.
Yes they can but if you take some good security pratice into place they won't wast there time on a small fry like you. no offence. They want easy remember that. If you have your anti-virus upto date a firewall and you have good wireless protection. Anti-spyware and don't do anything to stupid then you will be safe. If anyone tells you sure easy don't believe them they need you to download a trojan for you to get infected. I would not worry to much about it thou. They want bigger accounts and easy of use. If your not either of them then they are more then likely to go next door where it is easier.
Consider the trojans... If you let them in, maybe packaged as a innocent looking email....

Make sure you have AVG(free) or similar virus protection. And make sure you have Ad-Aware(free) and run that regularly.

Also having a personal firewall on each computer is a good idea, see ZoneAlarm(free). All these things will make it much harder to get hijacked, hacked, or infected. It won't make things perfect though.

Other things that I have found really helpful and actually work better then the originals is to use Mozilla Firefox(free) instead of Internet Explorer, and use Mozilla Thunderbird(free) instead of Outlook or Outlook Express. These programs are freely available, much less likely to get infected and also have many easy to use features that I find hard to live without now(like tabbed browsing). And make sure you do your windows security updates(unless you know specific ones you don't want(some software doesn't work under service pack 2 for example))

Nothing is perfect though, so keeping up-to-date and on top of things and you will be ahead of 90% of the people out there.
Of course.But make sure your computer's security strength is strong enough to protect your computer.
They pretty well have to be in front of your house to do that,...if you have all of your security in place there shouldn't be a problem, but if you have an unsecured connection any-old-joe can get into your folders and they can scam your line for their purposes. So, secure your connection with a complex passcode. This is from my 'Dummies tips:

"A big problem in most wireless implementations is that people don't use the features built into the products they buy. By some estimates, about half the wireless networks out there do not use encryption. To make matters worse, around half of them used the default network name as well. This is surprising when you consider all the press about the security (or lack thereof) of wireless networks. So ask yourself this: Do you really want people who drive past your home or office to be able to connect to your network?"

Here is a 'Dummies' site that can help you to connect safely and without a lot of hassle. It is plain ordinary English.
Yes. As you know, everytime a software companies update their virus and firewalls, hackers are always finding new ways of breaking into the systems, which is why all software is constantly updated.

Now that said, you should probably consider subscribing to PC World or a good PC magazine. Here's an article that might help you. It is very long, but you will be more knowledgeable and be able to protect your computer better. Beware of the many sites you visit. Also, you can download malware, spyware programs to scan your computers.

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